Vitsan Interservices Co. Ltd

Batumi (GMT+4) | Georgia

Contact Information

32/39 Gogebashvili Street
Zipcode 6003

Tel: +995 422 223624

Fax: +995 422 223624

Email: [email protected]  (All correspondence to Vitsan Istanbul, Turkey office)

AOH Contacts: Mr Tariel Kirtskhalia

AOH Tel:  +995 5 422 27 01 54



Geomar Co. Ltd.

BATUMI (GMT +4) | Georgia

Contact Information

Gogebashvili 32 Str,

6010 Batumi,



Email: [email protected]

Tel: +995 422 276201

Mobile: +995 577 468763

After Office Hours (AOH) emergency contacts (email and mobile number):

George Imnaishvili +995 577 468763

[email protected]