Maritime Mutual

Maritime Mutual is a long established and well-secured P&I Club and marine insurer backed by Lloyd’s syndicates and London company market insurers. Our focus is on the tailor-made provision of reliable and cost effective marine insurance cover together with full service  support to our valued Club Members and Marine Assureds.

Maritime Mutual’s corporate headquarters are located in Auckland, New Zealand, an internationally regarded business centre. New Zealand offers recognised governmental stability together with a respected legal system founded in English law. Maritime Mutual’s registration and operation as a New Zealand based insurer is subject to the Financial Reporting Act 2013, the Financial Services Providers (Registration & Dispute Resolution) Act 2008, the Companies Act 1993 and the Marine Insurance Act 1908. The Reserve Bank of New Zealand is the prudential regulator and supervisor of all insurers carrying on insurance business in New Zealand and is responsible for administering the Insurance (Prudential Supervision) Act 2010.

Maritime Mutual Cover

Ship Owners P&I

Oil Tanker Accident and Spill

Shipowners P&I is designed to cover the shipowner’s liabilities, inclusive of fines and defence costs, for damage or loss …

Hull & Machinery

Unsafe Berth Conditions

H&M covers the cost of repairs for damage to a ship and, dependent upon the policy terms selected, up to ¾ of the liability for collision damage to another ship …

Charterers P&I

MV Tycoon Wreck

Charterers P&I covers all of the Shipowners liabilities that a Charterer may also be exposed to, inclusive of damage to cargo …


Maritime Legal Defense

FD&D is essentially insurance for the costs of legal defence and pursuit that are not available under Shipowners and Charterers P&I cover …

Club News

Latest News

Latest Risk Bulletins

The annual June to September Southwest Monsoon brings much needed rainfall to the Indian sub-continent and neighbouring countries. Unfortunately, it also brings strong winds, flooding, property damage and death. This Risk Bulletin provides a reminder to all Members trading in South Asian Waters of the necessity to ensure their vessels and crews are well prepared to manage and minimise Southwest Monsoon hazards.

Latest Club Circulars