BUDD Côte d’Ivoire – Abidjan
ABIDJAN (GMT+0) | Ivory Coast
01 BP 4553
Abidjan 01
Tel: +225 21 24 34 60/+225 21 24 34 62
Email: budd.cote-ivoire@budd-pni.com
Website: www.budd-pni.com
Contact: Mr Thomas Miller
Tel: +225 07 49 30 10 55
Mobile : +33 (0)6 47 00 41 89 (WhatsApp)
Email: thomas.miller@budd-pni.com
Contact: Mr Corneil Pol Djohore
Tel: +225 07 07 13 58 96
Email: corneil.djohore@budd-pni.com
Contact: Mr Valentin Assouan
Tel: +225 05 98 36 00
Email: valentin.assouan@budd-pni.com
(In case of emergency or communication difficulties, kindly contact Budd Marseille; see France. Please copy all emails to general.marseille@budd-pni.com)
TCI Africa
ABIDJAN (GMT+0) | Ivory Coast
Résidence Carla, 11, rue des Pêcheurs
Abidjan Zone 3
18 B.P. 1373 ABIDJAN 18
Tel: +225 27 2124 2964 / +225 27 2124 0566
Fax: +225 27 2124 2963
Email: tci-abidjan@tci-africa.com
Website: www.eltvedtosullivan.com
24/7 emergency line: +33 6 25 73 08 08
Emergency email: mail@eltvedtosullivan.com
Contact: Mr. Robert KOHOU BI
Tel: +225 07 0707 5603
Contact: Mr. Oumar KONE
Tel: +225 05 0566 8913 / +225 07 0744 9201
Contact: Mr. Lacine BAMBA
Tel: +225 07 07 81 0557 / +225 01 0142 4356 / +225 07 0705 1527
BUDD Côte d’Ivoire – San Pedro
SAN PEDRO (GMT+0) | Ivory Coast
Immeuble M’Bouke
Face Cathédrale
01 BP 285 San Pedro
Emails: budd.cote-ivoire@budd-pni.com; general.marseille@budd-pni.com
Website: www.budd-pni.com
Contact: Mr Thomas Miller
Tel: +225 07 49 30 10 55
Mobile : +33 (0)6 47 00 41 89 (WhatsApp)
Email: thomas.miller@budd-pni.com
Contact: Mr Corneil Pol Djohore
Tel: +225 07 07 13 58 96
Email: corneil.djohore@budd-pni.com
Contact: Mr Valentin Assouan
Tel: +225 27 24 39 08 74 / +225 05 98 36 00
Email: valentin.assouan@budd-pni.com
(In case of emergency or communication difficulties, kindly contact Budd Marseille; see France. Please copy all emails to general.marseille@budd-pni.com)
ABIDJAN (covering Abidjan and San Pedro) (GMT+0) | Ivory coast
18 BP 2529
Tel: + 225 021 24 85 80
Email: wams@mcleans.fr
Contact: Hermann OBLE
Tel: + 225 558 797 97 / + 225 072 786 59
Contact: Philippe GARO
Tel: + 33 6 07 79 20 28
Contact: Marc GIGNOUX
Tel: + 33 6 86 68 45 27
Contact: Matthieu LEROUX
Tel: +33 6 46 40 04 20