P&I Correspondent dept.
Edificio Corporativo Plaza Tempo
Lobby B, Piso 4, Oficina N° 001B
San Rafael, Escazú
10203 San José
Tel:+506 4055 6100
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.transmares.cr
Name: Esteban Montenegro
Mobile: +506 6013 6953 (AOH)
Email: [email protected]
Name: Alejandro Vargas
Mobile: +506 6168 0104
Email: [email protected]
Name: Mario Rodriguez
Mobile: +506 8911 5665
Email: [email protected]
Contiguo al restaurante Mar Azul
Edificio Blanco, Piso 2
Esparza, Puntarenas
60201, Puntarenas
Tel: +506 6269 8349
Scope of service
• Puerto Caldera
• Puntarenas
• Golfito
• Punta Morales
PUERTO MOIN (Caribbean Side)
Contiguo a clínica Somedica
50 m. oeste de la bomba Danny Hayling
Limon, Limon
70101, Limon
Tel: +506 2798 3141
Scope of service
• Moin (APM Terminals)
• Moin (Japdeva)
24 hr | 7 days per week | 365 days per year
Site by Unbranded Space