P&I Surveys & Guidelines

Survey Forms

To assist the Loss Prevention process, Maritime Mutual provide two sets of pdf format Survey Forms for download and use by attending surveyors. The forms are in two parts, A and B, and the survey process requires the completion of both forms.

‘Full Cover’ forms are for the inspection of ships entered for full risk insurance.

‘Pollution and Wreck Removal Risks Only’ forms are for the inspection of ships entered for limited risk insurance only.

Survey Guidance Notes

To smooth and enhance the assessment process, Maritime Mutual have created two sets of Survey Guidelines. The objective is to optimise the survey process so as to minimise disruption to in-port operations and avoid any second attendance costs.

Survey Guidance Notes for Members focuses on ensuring that the Member, his Superintendent and the ship’s Master understand the survey process and the importance of pre-survey preparation to allow full and safe access to all of the vessel’s nominated spaces.

Survey Guidance Notes for Surveyors provides clear instructions on how the survey is to be conducted and the survey forms completed and submitted to Maritime Mutual.