

Maritime Mutual’s service strategy starts with understanding your business and your particular risks. It then moves to creating the insurance you require to cover your assessed liabilities and your fleet assets. If claims occur, then rapid response and prompt resolution are essential. This all requires high levels of market expertise, integrity and professionalism. Maritime Mutual has the team available to meet these challenges and exceed Member expectations.

Paul Rankin Maritime Mutual

Paul Rankin


Maritime Mutual Insurance Association (NZ) Ltd
Auckland, New Zealand
[email protected]
Tel: +64 9 365 2970

Andy Timms

Andy Timms


Maritime Mutual Insurance Association (NZ) Ltd
Auckland, New Zealand
[email protected]
+64 21 164 7687

Claire Rankin

Claire Rankin

Assistant UNderwriter

Maritime Mutual Insurance Association (NZ) Ltd
Auckland, New Zealand
[email protected]
Tel: +64 21 088 38823

Phillip Murrant

phillip murrant


Maritime Pacific Insurance Services Ltd
London, UK
[email protected]
Tel: +44 20 7283 2200

Malita Reade

Malita Reade

Financial Director

Maritime Pacific Insurance Services Ltd
London, UK
[email protected]
Tel: +44 20 7283 2200

Anoka Paleri

Anoka Paleri

Client Services Director

MME Services DMCC
Dubai, UAE
[email protected]
Tel: +971 4 561 3726

Tey Choon Wee

Claims Director

Far East P&I Services Pte Ltd    Singapore

[email protected]
Tel: +65 6220 9690

Sarah rankin

legal & compliance director

Maritime Pacific Insurance Services Ltd
London, UK
[email protected] Tel: +44 20 7283 2200

Alexander Malov

Alexander Malov


[email protected]
Tel: +64 21 145 7470


Raymond Sun

Raymond Sun


MM Consultancy (Shanghai) Co Ltd
Shanghai, China
[email protected]
+ 86 136 8185 3099

James Jessup

james jessup

Client Services manager

South East Asia
[email protected]
Tel: +66 66 007 8565

Tan Wui Fun

Tan Wui Fun


Far East P&I Services Pte Ltd
Tel: +65 6220 9690

Emma Boundy

Emma Boundy

Assistant Manager

Maritime Pacific Insurance Services Ltd
London, UK
[email protected]
Tel: +44 20 7283 2200

Lily Wu

Lily Wu

Assistant Underwriter

Maritime Mutual Insurance Association (NZ) Ltd
Auckland, New Zealand
[email protected]
+64 21 158 3003